
Saturday, 6th  February 2016

Final exam 2016 : Second written test

Here we are , my dear students!
After the “breaking news”, that is “English language as the second written test”, let’s start working!
Here attached you’ll find a ppt which will be useful to practise for making proper compositions.

In addition  to that, the following link is last year written exam: I suggest you to read it carefully and work on it. You may need a long time: try and work it out in different moments. I will correct your essays as soon  as I can.

So….get ready! The time has come! J


Wednesday, 9th December 2015


My dearest students,
listen to the short story from the Dubliners.... I love it  so much!


Please, listen carefully! It's the story of a girl of your age and it's so moving!
You can work in groups: it'll be easier for you.

1st task: After listening the story, split the text into 2 parts:first you  answer the questions from exercise 1 and 2 of pg F145 and then questions pg F146 exercise 3,4,5.

2nd task: Write at least 3 questions you would have liked to ask Eveline and then give your own answer using her words (relax, not very long!). Please, get involved!

You can write your questions and answers as comments to this post. I'll read each of them very carefully and I'll get involved myself!!!!!

I'll wait for you. Now more than ever!!!


Monday, 30th November 2015

Introduction to the Hard Rock Cafè Day......

The following link is the video about the '70s I'd have liked to watch with you today!!!
Unluckly nothing worked today!!!!!! I'd have been very glad to comment ....

It will be very important to know the situation as soon as we study the period!
Have fun!

Monday, 16th November 2015


James Joyce (pdf file)

What follows is the link to download and print the pdf of the post about Joyce.


Have a nice time!


Wednesday, 21st October 2015

1st Module: The British Empire (pdf file)

As I told you in the last post on this page, with the following  link you can download the information about the Victorian Empire from the Home Page. 


It will be easier if  you want to print it  and study.


Tuesday, 13th October 

1st Module: Stevenson and Wilde pdf files

To make things easier , hereafter my students will find the PDF files of  every literary topic I deal with in this blog. It will be possible to print the files.

The  is STEVENSON file:

And this is WILDE file:

From now on I will post my literary lessons on the Home Page and then link the pdf files in this page (Didattica)

Hope they are useful !


Tuesday, 5 October 2015

1st Module : Victorian Age

My dear students,
We've  been talking   about the Victorian Age since we started the school year  and I hope you've understood  what a contrasting period it was!
As I told you, the following BBC documentary  will give you a perfect idea of the duality of the age.

It's called "Home sweet home" and , as the title says, it deals with Victorian families, what happened inside when the door was locked.  No assignements about...but you are kindly invited to see it! Not difficult to understand either!

Now let's go on with the next Victorian novelist in our programme:

Robert Louis STEVENSON.

Very particular man , not so healthy, he soon rejected his family life .  He wrote books in which he expressed his suffering.  The novel we are studying is the most famous  "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde".
Here he tries to analyze the duality of man's nature and since psychoanalysis was far to come, he creates a story in which a respectable doctor, Dr Jekyll,  turns into a violent man, Mr Hyde.....but I won't tell you the end!

                                         By the end of this module you’ll be able to:
  • ·       Identify the historical importance of the novel  as a social  portrait of Stevenson’s  time
  • ·       Describe the narrative structure and the main themes of the novel
  • ·       Describe the two characters, their common and contrasting  features 
  • ·       Explain the different ideas about science and supernatural in the Victorian Age

You’ll find the story on your text book, pg E97. It’s very simple : it won’t be long to read it and it’ll be easy to remember. 
However in order to help you study and visualize the novel “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” (as  it’s commonly said) here’s a video with the plot and the description of the main characters. It’s from the BBC, enjoyable to watch and aesy to understand.

Step 1- While listening, take notes of the most relevant information you’ve also found in your textbook

You can also read a very complete analysis on the story from  by Ian Rankin from “The Guardian , a Scottish crime writer, best known for his Inspector Rebus novels: it will give you a complete idea of the dangerous ground Stevenson was about to explore in a particular period as Victorian Age was!

Something that now comes to my mind is a way to make you practise  your witing ability : I found  a very explicative sample question and the relative answer  you can use  as a reference for your future literary written tests . I recommend you to have a look, it could be really useful!


Look for information about crimes and criminals in the Victorian period in the form of a webquest. It will be really interesting to find what kind of crimes were committed in such a "respectable" period , who commited them and how (and if!!!) they were punished. With a comparison with nowadays!!!

 Crime and violence
1.       How the Victorians dealt with crime
2.       The attitudes towards domestic violence
3.       How criminals were viewed throughout the Victorian Age
4.       www.bbc.co.uk 

DISCUSSION : Is it easy to break the law in your country? Think of some examples.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this remakable writer whose dramatic life was so close to the fictional characters he created.

For the most willing among you, here are the first 5 chapters of the novel (audio file, useful listening activity!)

See you soon in class!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Three questions to Eveline.

QUESTION 1: There's a famous saying that says: "Family first". Don't you think it's time you put your happiness before your family?

ANSWER 1 : I know I should. Everytime I try, the promise I made to my mother comes to my mind. I've tried countless times to do something to make myself happy, such as agreeing to go to Buenos Aires with the man I love, Frank, but I know I would never forgive myself for breaking the promise if I leave.

Q 2: Have you ever thought of leaving you father alone and taking your two little brothers away with you?

A 2: I don't think I ever thought of doing that. Even so, I don't think I would ever have the courage to do so because my father is too old to be left home alone and I think that even if he doesn't treat me that well, he would miss me and my two little brothers.

Q 3: Have you ever tried talking to your father about your unhappiness and tiredness of the life you are living?

A 3: Surely I have thought of talking to him, but I've never been brave enough to do it or say something back when he didn't treat me properly, in fear of angering him more than he already was. Sometimes he treats me nicely, and that's probably what convinces me not to talk to him and that his "angry moments" are just temporary.

Prof here's the 2nd task you asked us to do in the blog post "Eveline". If there is any problem let me know Thanks! Have a nice weekend :) - Sarah Michelle M. Platon