Sunday 14 February 2016

Monday 7th December : HARD ROCK CAFE' at last!!!

It has been a long time since we went to the “Hard Rock Café” with my 5D and 5H, I know! But unfortunately it has been a very difficult period for me, as I’ve already said!

It was the 7th December and we took part to an involving lesson about the history of rock’n’roll.
We met there at 10.00 a.m.
We were all excited. 
It was an engaging occasion. 
A different way of studying.

This school year I have included music topics and artists  in the last year programme: I think it is a way to talk about social changes because music has always been meaningful in the way of the world!
And students live with music….so…..why don’t we deal with this topic so important to them????
That’s why when I found out that Hard Rock Café organizes such lessons, I immediately booked one for my students….I was sure they would love it…..and me, too!

Here below you’ll find the videos the two classes have prepared about the day… and enjoy both of them!




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