Wednesday 13 September 2017

Back to school.....

Here we are....mid-september morning and we're ready to start!
A new year, new classes, new students, new colleagues...and what is more, a new ME!
Tonight I've been working for my first lesson with my first year classes.....unbelievable, but after 26 years' heart beats fast!
Tomorrow morning I'll be there in front of them, looking at me, paying attention to what I'll be doing and saying!
I've prepared something easy and funny....
What is important tomorrow is getting to know them and introducing myself.
I'm going to write some key words on the board (my name, my age, my favourite colour, .....)
They must form questions for these answers.
I will choose some of them who will answer the same questions, for 10 minutes, not more.
Then, working in pairs, they will ask questions each other, but they must look for similarities or differences and take notes.
Finally each of them will write a self portrait which I will collect and put into a folder....
It will be great fun to read the portraits at the end of the year!

Together with this, I will be glad to read the following letter by Alessandro D'Avenia, a young Italian teacher who has become famous after his "Bianca come il Latte, Rossa come il Sangue"
I love his words and I read this letter myself every year  the night before the first school day!

Happy new SCHOOL year!

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